User Guide

Kesin chat bot allows users to easily organise their tasks.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

  1. Ensure Java 11 or later is installed on the computer

  2. Download DUKE v0.2

  3. Open the JAR file downloaded on the computer

  4. Enter java -jar IP.jar to start up the program


Add a new task

Add a new task into the list of tasks that are stored by Kesin chat bot.

Usage example:

todo [description]

deadline [description] /by [by description]

event [description] /at [at description]


Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
[T][✘] grocery shopping

2 tasks in the list (╥_╥)

Find your tasks

Kesin will follow your command and help you to find tasks that contain the relevant keyword.

Usage example:

find [keyword]


Used the keyword project to lookup for relevant tasks in the task list.

Expected outcome:

 Here are the matching tasks in your list:
  1. [D][✘] CS2105 project (by: Thursday)
  2. [T][✓] CS2102 project
  3. [T][✘] CS2113T project
  4. [E][✘] project meeting (at: Friday 2-4pm)

Deletes a task in the list

Kesin will removes a certain task from the list of tasks.

Usage example:

delete [index of the task]


Delete the 4th task in the task list.

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task: (^▽^)
[T][✓] borrow book
Now you have 8 tasks in the list.

View all tasks

Lists all the tasks that are currently stored by the Kesin chat bot.

Usage example:



Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [T][✓] return book
2. [D][✓] CS2102 project (by: Monday)
3. [T][✘] study
4. [D][✘] CS2105 project (by: Thursday)

Marks tasks as done

Marks a particular task as done in the list of tasks.

Usage example:

done [index of the task]


Mark the 3rd task in the task list as completed.

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[D][✓] return book (by: Monday)

Save and Exit

Save the user input and quit the program.



Expected outcome:

Bye, [user name]. Hope to see you again soon!